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Here are some examples of my work.
The first is a music video created as a final project for my Advanced Field Production course.
I worked alone on this project: storyboarding, filming and editing the piece. The actress and I hiked an hour out to location with the equipment in order to achieve the desired look and feel for the video.
The video was shot in one day on a field ENG camera. We filmed for four hours. The editing was completed in 15 hours.
The second is a promotional video aired on the local TV station. The package helped to boost ticket sales during the run of the show.
I worked alone as a photog and reporter for this piece. I scheduled interviews, contacted the director to receive permission to film, wrote and recorded the voice-over, and edited the piece within a week. 
The director enjoyed the piece so much, she asked for a copy. In addition to that, she asked me to return and do the same for the next show that season.
Through my senior year at Bradley University, I worked as a videography intern in the Public Relations department for the university. 
This is one of the earlier pieces I created for a news release that was sent out to campus. It promoted the pottery sale that the Pottery Club was holding outside the art building over the course of a few days.
It was shot in an hour and edited the same day on a DSLR camera. I particularly enjoy this piece for its interesting and exceptional b-roll. The footage supports the story and provides relevant and visual b-roll for the audience to enjoy.
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